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Monday, 20 May 2013
Bullying. Nay I say!
Bullying :'(
Ok guys, it's time to use the big 'B'word. I know we all hate it, but it's not ok and needs to be recognised!
If you've ever been bullied, you are not alone! So fear not!
Alex's story... On October 20th, 2011, no one was home after school so I tried to hang myself in my basement. I know what your thinking, why would she do such a selfish thing? Well I was going through so much I couldn’t even handle anything anymore. I gave up at the time. I ended up getting off the ground and going upstairs. I looked in the mirror and I saw the brush marks all over my neck from the rope. I knew in school the next day people were going to ask where was it from. Then I started to cut myself. It was addicting, I did it a couple times that night. In the morning at school I ended up telling 2 of my best friends, someone told a guidance counsellor about what I did last night. When I got home after school, social workers came to my house and I had no idea why they were at my house at first, but then they asked me if I really tried to hang myself, and of course I told the truth. So I got taken down to ECMC after school, I had to sit in the emergency room for 6 hours, then I had to sit in CPEP for another 6 hours, the nurse finally took me up to my room. I ended up staying there till November 4th. It helped a lot, and taught me a lesson. I’m glad that whoever told, did tell the guidance counsellor about how I attempted suicide because I wouldn’t have gotten the help I needed. When I tell what happened that night I attempted suicide, I actually smile at the end now. My friends wonder why I smile.
I smile because I’m happy it’s over and I got the help I needed. I’m glad I don’t have to go through any of that pain anymore, because I try my best to think positive everyday. Things do get better; you just have to hang in there. I know this suicide attempt was recent and your wondering how I could tell this so soon, but like I said I’m happy that I got the help I needed, and I’m happy that the suicide attempt didn’t actually work out. And remember things do get better. Suicide is 100% preventable, speak out and reach out. People should at least try to get help even through its really hard at the time. There are many people that can help you. Everyone is concern about teens committing suicide. Everyone feels guilt when a teen commits suicide because they think they could have done something to prevent the suicide. People shouldn’t feel embarrassed about trying to attempt suicide or even expressing their personal feelings. Everyone has difficult times in their lives and we need to help each other. Just remember things do get better.
Bullying is Not ok! and it won't be untill we fix it! I have never really told many people how far the bullying got; I don't think my mum even knows really. I have never been slim, but I was never that big, yeah I am overweight but not by that much-I have never been anywhere close to being obese and I don't have a double chin or rolls on my stomach except when I sit down. Yet in the latter years of primary school I was constantly called fat by boys and a few mean girls, they would try and lift up my jumper and say things like-"She's got a pillow up her top, oh wait it's just her fat stomach,". I did have some close friends but my best friend who was also plumper and overweight was one year older and at a different school, she understood how I felt as she was bullied because of the steroids she has to take for her arthritis (from birth) made her gain weight.
The real bullying started when I reached secondary school, the first few week were good until a girl from my old primary school joined late as she was ill and started telling people lies and how I was so fat I have once made a chair collapse, people were soon making fun of me and calling me names and soon the friends I had made were too embarrassed to hang out with me and I got really depressed. I was confused as well because at my biggest I was only a size 14/16 and never more than 13st also as I was nearly 5, 8" by the time I was 12/13, compared to the blonde petite girls in my year I was ugly and fat according to them.
After a school residential trip in France where comments such as "OMG, she's gonna sink the boat," and "Are you sure she needs as much food as the rest of us," I snapped and a day after getting home I tried to hang myself because I thought it would be best to die and not have to face up to them at school. My mum found before I could really try and took me to see doctors and people who thought they could help, although I then saw that killing myself was not the way out I still felt so isolated and lonely. The bullying didn't stop as all the head teacher would say is-"You’re lying, there are no bullies at this school,”
In 2010 I decided to move schools and I now love it there, I am starting my GCSE's have some really good friends and I have lost 20lb and loads of people are complementing me, I still get the odd remark about my size, or the way I look but I calmly say I don't care and walk away as I know they are only doing it for attention.
Since moving schools my grades have gone up as I am happier and I am hoping to go to University to study History and/ or Motivational speaking as I want everyone to know that they are special and beautiful.
Even I was bullied! There used to be this gilr that didn't like me. Every day she used to wait at the bus stop and call me names. There was this boy I liked that used to catch the bus with me. She made him hate me and told him I didn't deserve to be liked by anyone. I started to eat, but the pain of being called fat soon made me realise that was not going to make me feel any better. So i stopped eating...just stopped...then I had to go to hospotal because I was starving and I fainted. My mother came to the hospital and was worried about me. When the doctor pulled up my shirt to show it to my mother how skinny I was I tried to keep it down, but my mother forced it up. Then she started crying. She said that She was a bad mother. She wasn't I just gave up. I went to school the next day with a smile on my face, and bacon and eggs in my tummy. I felt great, and it reflected, because she was afraid to come near me, and people started talking to me, asking what brand of makeup I wore, and I met my best friend. the first thing she ever said to me was 'you're really skinny. Have some of my muffin' and we've been inseperable ever since!
And always remember Hey, no way, you won't treat me this way!!!
i've been throgh the same thing. This article really helped . thanks.