Tuesday, 30 April 2013

summer fashion

Dear Blog

Summer lovin'

Guess what's in Fashion this summer? What's in fashion Every summer? Pink, pink and more pink! We love warm colors in summer, it makes us feel warm, like we're soaking in all the vitamin D we possibly can! And oh, do the designers know that!! Se here's a juicy treat for all your summer lovin needs!

 Hooray for hat's, where would our facial skin be without you! This look is simple, easy to achieve, incredibly easy to look good in! The top, a gorgeous floral pattern made of beautiful green, yellow and pink. An over coat thin jacket, matching the hat in a lovely pop-out pink! The bracelet is a gold and orange fruity pyramid shaped elastic, that completes the look like a cherry on top. Her hair is wavy and flowing and really looks great, her makeup is just a simple pinky color pallette, that makes her outfit, on a whole, divine! I rate this outfit 7/10

Another simple beauty! A perfect outfit for the beach! Her hair, maybe waved, perfect for summer lovin! Her sun-glasses, they do look pretty, but they are there do serve their purpose in an oh-so-glamorous way. her dress, Vibrant fruity colors that just make her pop, with a low cleavage line, perfect for a bikini cover dress, and long arm holes. Short, but not too sort. Her bag is a perfect size for holding water, chapstick,towel, anthing for the beach!  I rate this outfit 8.5/10

  Oh pastels! Summer's favourite! her hair is left wavy and flowing
Followed by a thin, beaded necklace, making her haircolor pop!
Her shirt, a thin material to keep you cool, yet covered. Her shorts, PERFECT! They finish off the outfit with a bang and are soft and cool and glam-O-rous! I give her outfil a 9/10

See you soon!

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